Breath + The Spark

Greetings beautiful soul. I wanted to share my experiences lately, touch in with all of you. My intention is to share what I experience with those who are meant to get it. I am just a human, on the path to a pure heart. It is my big mission right now. And let me tell you, it is hard. Recently, upon hearing “pure heart,” something within me clicked, and I knew that was where I was to set my focus. (Following the heart and intuition no matter what it says, can be SO challenging. Especially when it goes against how the masses live and can often feel very lonely, but again I think the more of us that share what’s going on individually, this will improve.) Once setting yourself up for living a heart-based life, there is no other way to do it.
These are my truths, they don’t have to be yours. Take what resonates and leave the rest. And sometimes I cuss.

     So, the night of hearing “pure heart” before bed, I decided to connect in and just honor the day, connect in with my higher self and guides and set my intention. I had had a really powerful week full of downloads, upgrades and new awarenesses, so I was feeling super fine! Haha… I said okay, “I’m ready for this next phase of purifying my heart. Whatever blockages are here, whatever parts of me need witnessing, feeling, hearing, healing… I’m asking them to show up. I’m ready for you. I’m here to love you. Let’s do this.” Something along those lines…
     The following morning, I began to feel the effects of last nights intention setting. But, I FORGOT I had done it. I began to spiral. I felt grumpy towards my family for no gosh darn reason, I felt off. Low energy, tired, angry. My body felt different. This lead to some super intense waves of self-hatred, extreme comparison, worthlessness and unworthiness. It was strong. Finally a few hours later after a good personal beat up and an epsom salt bath, I had the remembrance of what I did the night before. It flooded back and I remembered I asked for this. I also remembered I didn’t have to be so attached to what was happening. That I could choose to witness. That this is healing happening. I shared with my son and my partner, to let them know what I was experiencing. Just because I’ve had the awareness doesn’t mean I instantly “snap back” into feelin’ super great again! It takes time. We have learned in our family that empathy and compassion are both easier to offer and receive if we communicate with each other when we are navigating tough times. This isn’t something we are able to do right away, it can also take us a bit of time. We are still learning and I’m damn proud of us.

     Why must we spiral into confusion, when we can choose to breathe to clarity? 
If we are not there just yet, we can choose to breathe til we feel we can go on. Onwards down the path heading towards clarity. Towards inspired action. Trusting we will get there. A lot of times in this navigation of confusion, it can feel as if different parts of us are being pulled in many different directions. And even those directions aren’t clear, the path takes you one way and then it just fizzle out. It can be exhausting! So we have choices. We can start to explore all of these various paths. If we are not attached to time, or don’t have many life things to engage in… this may be fine. But for others of us, we may have attachments to beliefs or outcomes. Certain expectations. Our livelihood to consider. So it intensifies. We freeze. We spin out. We numb.
Or, we can realize this is a perfect invitation to get quiet and breathe. You can do this wherever you are. It is free. It is trusty. We use our breath to breathe in life force energy. To help us drop into our now moment. (Which to me is the most practical, kind and efficient way and point to navigate from.  Tempting to navigate from the projected future or imagined past is a HUGE energy leak.) We breath to fill our lungs and belly with oxygen and deep love so they may radiate that and nurture every cell in our body. It is our choice how we tell our cells to communicate. How to navigate the intensities of not only what’s going on within us, but in our towns, our states, our provinces, our countries, our planet.

     It’s so easy to forget there is a great awakening happening! Especially when the media is really good about spreading fear and confusion. That there isn’t a massive, collective healing period taking place globally, with so many layers and facets. Guys, it’s intense!  It’s so easy to fill our entire body with the pain of whatever we’re feeling, getting completely lost. To have no idea what to do. Til we remember, oh yes. I am a master creator! I get to choose how I fucking navigate this. I am not a victim. I don’t have to live a life steeped with suffering, fear, [fill in the blank]. It is a choice. I get to paint this picture. And even if I don’t know what to to do RIGHT NOW, I can breathe. I can remember that I will always know what I need to know when I need to know it. And that in each now moment I have exactly everything I need to navigate that moment. Making beautiful bridges, to the next now moment. I can look at what I have, look in my tool belt, and say, “what can I do with what I have right now?”

    I am so grateful these days, that even in my deepest darkest moments, I can still see a spark. A spark of the beautiful divine light inside of me. Like the first crack of dawn after a moonless night. Fresh. New. Unattached. Clean. Loving me unconditionally no matter what. Mine, for the taking.  So we keep coming back to the breath. Back to Now. To the remembrance. Of who and what we are. That after every single low we go through, there is a beautiful break through. Whether small or large. It’s there, if we choose to be open to and see it. Nothing is by accident.  We are incredibly powerful. We are here to remember that.
    Please know that you are valuable and extremely important. That you are so loved. If any of you are feeling or have remotely felt what I have felt these past few days… you may need to hear that. Everything is super intense right now. We are on the fast track. This road can be lonely. This road can be scary as hell. But it’s a lot scarier living in ignorance. In submission. In fear.
    I choose to bravely walk this path of pure heart, as the love warrior I am. I will always choose love, even if I forget for a while. I will always come home. To Love. To my breath. To truth. To my intuition. To peace. To my Spirit.
     May you experience the purity and peace within your heart. May you be blessed with all the joy your heart desires. May you align with what you are FOR as opposed to what you are AGAINST. This is going to be super important in our ascension paths. Keep going. We can do this. It is worth it. Let’s create something amazing.
     I love you. 
Please feel free to share your experiences. What is going for you during these shifts? How are you navigating? What tools are using? It’s important for us to connect, share and honor each other.


Big, Beautiful Shifts.


Darkness And The Spectrums of Power, Abundance, Gratitude + Love.