Big, Beautiful Shifts.

What an incredible time to be alive. I am truly honored to be existing in a time amongst some of the Universe’s most truly bad ass souls. We came here to assist in the shifting of human consciousness. To anchor in light. To create a better world!
To do that, we have to dance with the shadows + do some deep work. This is not a seek + destroy mission, but rather a remember, love, heal mission. Only the most loving + courageous of souls could have possibly came here at this time to be a part of this (including those characters that aren’t so easily loved). It is no small nor easy task. We are ascending + there are massive shadows to be navigated + integrated.

Alas, we are doing it + will continue to do so, beautifully. The global awakening happening right now is massive + rapidly increasing. If you’re feeling anything like I am… this is going to be an amazing year. Intense, full of growth, perhaps messy, gnarly, raw, but definitely beautiful + definitely BIG. For those of us just waking up, this can feel incredibly scary, alarming, confusing, ugly… There will be a lot that is revealed in the next few years. Things some people may have a hard time swallowing. Old systems and ways of doing things which do NOT serve will continue to crumble. This is important so we can create, build + nourish what DOES serve humanity. Reach out if you’re feeling lost or fearful. Take it easy on yourself. You are not alone, your people are out there! 
As we continue to heal + integrate our inner worlds, this WILL be reflected in the outer world. I know this to be 100% true for myself. As within, so without.

Are you been feeling what you’re being called to do? To step into? 
For me, I’m feeling incredible excitement, gratitude + wonder. Every so often, that sways into overwhelm. The mind literally cannot comprehend the Unknown. The parts of me that were wanting to stay small, still speak up from time to time. I let them + I love them. That then shifts me back into wonder. Acceptance. Alignment with Flow. Years ago I had no idea my life would be my life. That I would feel the way I do. I'm so proud of myself, and I'm proud of you! We are doing amazing things.  This is also a time where we get to reap all the hard work we’ve sewn. We get to taste our manifestations + miracles. Embrace them. Reflect them.

I feel it’s going to be a necessity to be tending to our nervous systems. As we shift into higher states of consciousness, our physical body has to catch up + align. Big, juicy, tender lovin’ to our nervous systems will be imperative. This will look different for everyone. For me, that is lots of attention on my breath. Taking things slow. Finding what feels good. Loving on my body. Yoga, hiking, meditation, time in nature with the sunshine. Time in the dark. Time alone. Silence. Dancing. Singing. Creating. 
Spending time with souls that add to our world + ours to theirs. Souls who bring out the best in us + support our dreams no matter what they are. Souls we laugh with. Souls we can love on. Souls we can cry with. Authentic souls.

Focusing on what we WANT instead of what we DON’T want.
Being of service.
Loving ourselves boldly.
Choosing to show up, again + again + again.

Speaking our truth, believe it or not, is going to be vital as well. We are actually shifting into times where it’s no longer an option to stay silent. Your voice + unique signature is critical. 

These are my truths. They work for me + feel good to me. They certainly don’t have to be yours. I believe in a world where all truths are unique of equal value. A world of unity. A world where we have remembered who we are. A world anchored in love, mystery, magic + wonder!

So, thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you.
Keep going, we got this! Let’s remember we are powerful co-creators that can literally create any kind of world we want.
What kind of world are you creating?

Annetta Louise


Self-Love Exploration


Breath + The Spark