
Transformation. Moving Parts. Fears and Judgement. Bravery and Kindness. Imagined Weakness. Understood Courage and Strength.


I am currently learning about cycles and the respect and courage it takes to honor them. When I am able to surrender to the Life/Death/Life cycle, the freedom and peace gained is immeasurable. It seals up so many leaks in my energy field. Of where I thought control was necessary.
When we seal up our leaks, we are able to direct our energy and presence in a more mindful and concise way. Therefore co-creating our reality.

As someone who feels tremendously, almost manically at times, feeling extreme highs and lows, I realized I had a belief that only the highs were worthy of feeling. Only when I achieved those states, was I doing "it" "right". If I was feeling negative, I was doing something wrong. I now know this to not only be a mistruth for me, but harmful in my evolution, making it hard for me to be present not only for myself and whatever is showing up in my now moment, but my family as well. I was only robbing myself of peace and joy.

What has been working for me as of late, is to be so completely aware of myself, when I notice a shift, I invite it in. I allow it to be there with me, offering it the attention and love it needs. Even if that means allowing the fear, anger, disgust, or what have you to flow. LET IT FLOW BABY!
For when we resist and pretend we are fine... what resists, persists. It gets louder and LOUDER.

So, thru my awareness, comes allowance, and then feeling, with as much presence I can offer. From there, I then choose how I would like to feel, and it shifts. This is truly alchemy happening. And I'm not saying it's comfortable. It's downright uncomfortable at times. And sometimes, I choose to stay in anger, for a while. As long as it needs. I'm learning to love my anger. My dark parts I thought were so gross and unworththy.

I am trying to call forth balance into my world in all ways I can, while completely and fully surrendering to what IS. And only then, can I take inspired action. This = BALANCE.
Oh, but if I'm not taking action, I am unworthy. I am lazy. I am useless. If I'm not doing what others are doing, then I'm not doing it right.
To this, I say nonsense! I am doing my best to check in with my heart each day, and when it comes down to it, each now. What does my heart want? I choose to follow that, wherever it may take me.

How do you want to participate in this game? Sending you so much love. May your day be filled with beauty, magic, peace and balance where you can find it.
Honor your process and stay beautiful.

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Can We Love the One Who Shows Up?